And from Him do we seek help.

All praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of All the Worlds,

and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad,

and on all his Family and Companions.

Selamün Aleyküm Brothers;
You can find our duties by using this link. Deadline to submit your responses to me is 22.12.2009. Please pay attention for doing and sending your homework.May Allah help us.. ""

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-----Discussion Board
As you know ,we are all muslim and as Muslims we have to solve our problems and matters in a respectful and fair-minded way. Also we're republican. Sometimes, we'll need to solve some problems and also we'll need to arrange some details.In these kind of situations We will discuss about our issues.As a result,We can write our opinions and our viewpoints to this category.
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What do you think about our categories, for example "Success Board ,Activeness Board etc."? Do you think that why did we compose these kind of categories? Yes,you're right.. All of us are in the face of some prizes and punishments.(By the way, punishments may be strict :)))We'll announce the rules concerning prizes and punishments in the 'Rules Category'.Then We are all will be responsible for obeying these rules.This club is getting more enjoyable :)))
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-----Schedule Of Deadline
As you know that we have to finish our duties in a certain period of time. We will have to submit our works and tasks in this particular time so, we must know that how much we have got for finishing these missions..Therefore We need a schedule which we can see there some information concerning our duties..We'll update this schedule week by week . Please follow this category frequently and constantly.Because we cannot say anything as an excuse. For instance "I did not know the deadline, I did not see anything with regard to deadline etc." :)))
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-----Free Exercises
Gentlemen; there is another beneficial and important category in here.Yes,as I said,we'll get some duties which we have to do. We can give nothing as an excuse to don't do our tasks.This point is obvious and certain. But we want to study with our great desire:))) Therefore,we thought about this and decided to compose a "Free Exercises Box". Exercises in this box will be so beneficial,constructive and improving, we don't have to do these works. However if we want to have good level of english,we schould do these.. In addition to this, all of us can send exercises which are about anything (please in english:))).These things which are sent by us ,will effect our activeness rank..
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----Success Board
Like our activeness, our successes also are so important for us. As you knows We'll get some tasks and duties which we have to do and BigBoss 'll evaulate your answers that are given by you for tasks and then certainly we would sorted according to our successes.You can see your degree of success in this category. Good Luck.
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As everyone knows, there are many rules which we have to obey. We'll announce to you in a short time. Please, follow this category frequently.If we want to study on Risale-i Nur and Islamic issues together and in a harmony , we must know and obey these important rules..
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-----Gerunds & Infinitives
There is another category for improving knowlodge concerning grammer. We’ll load some files and documents which help you to develop your level of english.Also you can send to us these kind of benefical documents .Let’s read..
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  • Conversation Club

    Conversation Club

    The Verse of The Week

    "Nun. By the Pen and the (Record) which (men) write,"

    The Hadith Of The Week

    "On the authority of Anas bin Malik, the servant of the messenger of Allah, that the prophet said :

    "None of you [truely] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."
    related by Bukhari and Muslim

    Ustad Says:

    Is it at all possible that the glory of God’s dominicality and His Divine sovereignty should create a cosmos such as this, in order to display His perfections, with such lofty aims and elevated purposes, without establishing a reward for those believers who through faith and worship respond to these aims and purposes? Or that He should not punish those misguided ones who treat His purposes with rejection and scorn?(10th Word)

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